Monday, 27 February 2017



  Obiageli had been in a very foul mood since the beginning of the week, she was no joy to be around and highly irritable. She didn’t want to admit that suddenly she doesn’t want Zona to make the trip, what kind of mother would she be if she did that? She started the whole Nigeria business after all so why back out now? Maybe it was because her heart was on the verge of breaking, she didn’t know this emotion she was feeling or how best to handle it.  Zona, just like her mother was highly introverted. She never traveled, never went to summer camps or anywhere Ashley had tried to drag her to in the past. Frankly she hadn’t stepped a foot out of Eastwood. Obiageli tried to warn her about the dangers of staying in Eastwood all year round, but was admittedly grateful she had her daughter around especially on days she would reminisce and become a bit depressed. Now she would have to say goodbye to her, Thank God Albert was in her life now. She won’t be lonely anymore; not in the least, but she will definitely miss Zona and constantly worry about her.
“Mom, I can travel by myself, I don’t think it is necessary to make me travel with Aunt Gertrude, you know how she can get” Zona wasn’t a fan of her mom’s eldest cousin aunt Gertrude and absolutely abhorred the idea of being ‘chaperoned’ by her all the way to Nigeria. Aunt Gertrude was quite set in her ways; she traveled biannually to Nigeria to stock up on native food items. She wouldn’t let anyone send her any; she feared she may be ‘bewitched’ by evil relatives, if ever she received a package, she forwarded it to Obiageli and Zona. Apparently they are immune to ‘witchcraft’.
 Albert was to drive Zona and pick Aunt Gertrude from not so far town of little hills and drive them to Rosa Parks international Airport come Sunday evening. She would have to be on her best behavior if she was to travel with and live in 'prim and proper' 'condescending' Aunt Gertrude’s family house. Thankfully her headsets and iPod were coming with her. “I know sweetheart, believe me” Obiageli said, “but it is important that you go with her, we should be grateful she is here to take you because you know I can’t dear.” “fine mom!” Zona sighed and accepted her lot.

“Honey just try and hold it together so you don’t spook her” Albert said to Obiageli as he put down the last of Zona’s luggage in the trunk of his Army green Sedan. He too was distraught with emotion but he wasn’t going to breakdown the way Obiageli was on the verge of doing, one of them had to be level headed and from the look of things he was that ‘one’. He slammed the trunk shut shaking off the emotion building up inside him “Zona! We are gonna be late” Albert yelled towards the front porch where Joshua and Ashley were saying their goodbyes to an overwhelmed Zona amidst sobs and muffled cries. In about a minute, the three were finally able to drag themselves from the front porch to Albert’s waiting car. Zona got into the back seat and Albert closed the door, he went around the car in quick long strides, got in, started the engine and started to pull out of the driveway. Joshua and Ashley stood affixed and waved vigorously at the now dim sedan that quickly blended into the evening save for the rear lights that shone through the fog.

They arrived at the airport with barely 25minutes to spare and Aunt Gertrude was literally visibly upset, she went briskly ahead of the trio who were saying their last minutes goodbyes. “Please call me as soon as you land okay?” “remember everything we talked about, stay close to Aunt Gertrude at all times until you get to her house, don’t go anywhere without informing her of your whereabouts…” Obiageli was about to give Zona a rundown of the instructions they had earlier discussed but for the timely and very necessary intervention of Albert reminding them that the last call for Zona’s flight had just been made.
Obiageli couldn’t find the strength to walk back to the car or to her life with Zona on her way to far away ‘Africa’. She tried very hard not to break down as they said their goodbyes but had lost it as soon as Zona had boarded. 

...same time and place darlings...

Footnote: sorry again guys I have been quite  busy hence the reason I didn't post on the weekend. maybe once a week will do? not sure or should I just go with the flow and make nothing definite? well hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoying your weeks already! Thanks again darlings, don't forget to share and drop comments. Have a great week ahead! Enjoy! ...Ogadimma.

Shuttertock, many thanks for the pictures!❤💋

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